Thank you for stopping by my research web page. The purpose of this page is essentially to provide you with a few succinct details about our research project, so that you can decide if it might be of interest. If you are interested, please leave your name and contact details, so that we can be in touch with you later. Your expression of interest is not a commitment in any way. You may decline later to persue this project.
Effects of geographical & cultural factors
on climate change education
Climate change (CC) is a global challenge with varying impacts across different geographic regions. Extreme weather events, rising sea levels and altered precipitation patterns are just a few examples of these consequences. Geographical factors, such as topography, climate, weather and seasons, along with culture play a significant role in shaping our lives, including education and (most likely) climate change education (CCed).
CCed is the process of empowering individuals and communities to understand the impacts of climate change and take action towards mitigation and adaptation. The influence of geographical and cultural factors on various human activities, including education in general, has been studied.
However, no research seems to have been conducted on how geographical and cultural factors affect CCed. The objective of this research project is to fill this gap by exploring the interactions between (a) geographical and cultural factors and (b) CCed.
We will adopt an exploratory study approach.
This research will use a mixed-methods approach, incorporating a survey, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial analysis and various data bases.
Data collection will be accomplished partly with a self-report survey questionnaire, partly with online data bases.
The survey questionnaire is being designed specifically for this study. The survey will be distributed to a diverse group of respondents, including teachers, learners and the public.
Data analysis will involve exploratory analysis and statistics using software like SPSS, R and Excel. Non-parametric tests are likely to be used due to the sample potentially not being statistically normal. Spatial analysis will be conducted using QGIS and ArcGIS to identify geographical patterns.
Your help / involvement
We are seeking a few enthusiastic and skillful people who think that they would like to join us in this endeavour. Your help in any of the above tasks (methods) would be invaluable. Remember that this is not a request for commitment in any way. All we wish for now is a show of interest. Later we will be in touch with more details, and invite you to an online discussion.
If you are interest, please fill out the form below.
You may contact Pim by email here: pimnutcha.research [to] gmail dot com