(A) The Inter- Ocean-Climate School is organized by:
The Ocean Open University / Université Internationale de la Mer, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
The main mission of the OOU / UIM is the management of marine and coastal areas and the sustainable development of the blue economy.
It works with diverse audiences (professionals, students, youth, the public at large, etc.) and with other institutions, locally and globally, through MOOCs, conferences, workshops, research activities, etc. It also delivers training courses for captains and seamen for pleasure and fishing boats on the French Riviera.

(B) And is associated with:
CIRAD (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement), Montpellier, France
CIRAD is the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.
UR GREEN (Management of Renewable Resources and Environment)
The UR GREEN works on the interactions between ecological dynamics and social dynamics within ecological and social systems in all their complexity, collective decision-making processes, and ways in which “Nature” is appropriated. It builds knowledge, methods and tools for analysing renewable resource management, representing the different regulatory systems and how they are articulated, and building players’ ability to understand such systems, on which they depend and which they influence.
Some of the questions addressed: how can we foster adaptive, sustainable management of renewable resources and the environment? What tools could support stakeholder participation in resource and territorial governance? What effect will these approaches have in terms of recognition and generation of know-how (local and academic)?

ISEM, UCA - School of Economics & Business, Université Côte d'Azur, France

LIENSs - LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés, Université de la Rochelle, France
LIENSs is a join research unit under the CNRS and La Rochelle University authorities, which integrates expertises in many scientific fields within environmental sciences (biology, ecology, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, earth sciences, geophysics), humanities and social sciences (geography and history), and Engineering Sciences (chemistry and biotechnology). It takes strength through a high interdisciplinarity to address issues on the sustainable development of its main research object : the littoral zone.
LIENSs was established in 2008 as part of a larger project aiming at developing at La Rochelle research and education on the Environment and Sustainable Development. This included the setting up of a Research Federation (FREDD), presently extended to the regional scale, that brings together 22 laboratories to sustain this thematics, and of a Doctoral School (Gay-Lussac Doctoral School) involving 3 Universities (La Rochelle, Poitiers, Limoges).
LIENSs is one of the 2 first units to be jointly supported by 3 CNRS Institutes (INEE, INSU, INSHS) as a recognition of its large interdisciplinarity, developed by 6 teams working on their core disciplinary thematics, but also on numerous common projects, some being set up as cross-axes.
LIENSs presently comprises 69 researchers/lecturer-researchers, 28 permanent engineers/technicians, 24 post-docs and invited researchers, 10 contracted technical staff and 32 PhD students.

Méditerranée 2000, Cannes, France
Objectives are to promote environmental education, to develop young people’s ecological mindfulness, to raise awareness of sustainable development, to support and to train professionals.
Méditerranée 2000 is a member of Comité 21 and is approved by the Ministry of Youth and Popular Education, and the National Ministry of Education and Sustainable Development. Méditerranée 2000 is also accredited for professional training.
Each year, the association educates more than 9,000 young people and 4,000 adults.
proGective, Paris, France
Founded in August 1994 by Fabienne GOUX-BAUDIMENT, proGective was born from the desire to create an intellectually and financially independent place dedicated to operational foresight. proGective is, first and foremost, an advisory tool helping public and private organizations to face current and future change concretely and positively. It is also a research laboratory, a horizon-scanning tool and an awareness and training center.
It relies on a network of reliable and competent partners, mostly bilingual, to supplement its knowledge (specialists), expand its intervention capacity (futurists, facilitators, consultants, trainers) and provide additional services (learning expedition, innovation management, illustration & communication, marketing, etc.).

(C) Other workshops & training of related interest
ComMod - Formation dédiée à la modélisation d’accompagnement
Mettre des acteurs en situation pour partager des représentations et simuler des dynamiques. Du 12 au 16 octobre 2020 à Châteauneuf-de-Gadagne (proche d’Avignon, France).
La formation propose d’expliquer la posture, la méthodologie, les outils spécifiques, les effets attendus et les conditions d'application de la démarche de modélisation d'accompagnement dans le cadre d'un appui aux processus de décision territoriaux et environnementaux. Elle est construite à partir d'une mise en situation qui permet aux participants de comprendre et de mettre en pratique les différentes phases qui jalonnent la démarche.

MISS-ABMS - Designing, Implementing and Running Agent-Based Models for Renewable Resources Management: And International Summer School
International summer school & multi-platform on modeling & multi-agent simulation applied to the management of renewable resources for modelers or computer scientists willing to open up to multi-agent systems and researchers concerned by environmental management and sensitized to modeling. This multi-platform international summer school is held over two weeks each year in Montpellier (Agropolis International), France.

Concepts and tools to engage in knowledge co-production and public participation
The International Summer School on Concepts and tools to engage in knowledge co-production and public participation is a 5-day interactive training course designed and organized by a small international team of experts – researchers and practitioners of participatory approaches.
The training is based on “learning by doing” principle that makes it possible for the participants to test what they learn on-the-spot and get immediate feedback. Our international participants co-construct their own training, contributing with unique content (their own case studies) and their personal styles and personalities.
The training is meant for people (students, researchers, consultants, public sector employees) interested in developing or improving knowledge and skills in participatory methods to engage stakeholders in knowledge co-production through public participation.

(D) Our grateful thanks go to the following organisations,
which have provided support for the IOCS
If you would like to exchange links, please be in touch here: oceans.climate at gmail dot com
The most studied ice restoration effort in the world. We’re developing a safe, localized technique to enhance the Arctic’s natural ability to reflect solar radiation out of the atmosphere, increase the Earth’s planetary albedo, and slow the rate of global warming. As a leading non-profit in the climate restoration field, we have been innovating promising solutions for ice preservation for ten years. We leverage our internal technical capabilities through collaborating with the world’s most prestigious laboratories and universities. We estimate that the solutions we are developing represent an opportunity to buy up to fifteen more years for our global economies to decarbonize towards a more sustainable future.

Authors and Educators on a Mission
We are a collaboration of Scottish and international authors and educators. We are all passionate about making a difference for climate action and environmental education. We are seeking to speak at events, conferences, podcasts and book festivals. We offer a powerful series of educational and informative talks, discussions, question and answer sessions and presentations on climate change, nature and the environment.

The Baltic Sea Challenge (BSC) is a network initiative that invites organisations to commit in protecting the Baltic Sea and their local waters, to building their own Baltic Sea Action Plan and to implementing it. In 2018 there were already 270 member organisations in the BSC Network from the countries around the Baltic Sea. Even though the initiative was started by the cities of Helsinki and Turku in Finland, it exists especially owing to and for its member organisations.

Bluefest: Science, New Technologies and Innovation in the transition to a Regenerative Blue Economy
The over-exploitation of the oceans, related to industries and other human activities, has a huge impact on the loss of biodiversity and degradation of marine ecosystems. The increasing acidification of the oceans and the rise of global average surface temperature, combined with other factors, are simultaneously a factor and a consequence of accelerated climate change.
Forecasts for the decades ahead look very worrisome if we keep up the business-as-usual scenarios, even if optimised. This scenario directly impacts human health, which is directly linked to the ocean health. The vast majority of scientists argue that only a systemic change can alter the course of climate change and protect genetic resources and regenerate the ecosystem. Education, Research and Scientific Development are the hope factor for a change of direction and the impetus for the establishment of a sustainable blue economy. The Bluefest Forum will be the stage for ideas and projects that spread the seeds of hope.

Captain Polo - Global ambassador for climate education
Join me on my adventures to find out more about climate change all around the world, and what you can do about it, whoever you are and wherever you live!
You can see what I've been up to by reading my comic book and by following me on this website and on social media. You can download Part 1 of my adventures as a free ebook, and this page already has my official board game up for grabs, completely free!

CRS - Centre for Systems Solutions
The Centre for Systems Solutions develops and applies groundbreaking tools, such as social simulations and serious games, to support stakeholders in making sense of complex problems and collaboratively developing creative and inclusive solutions. We rely on solid scientific evidence and systems thinking methods for our projects and initiatives. Using science-based evidence and listening to many voices, we aim to inspire positive change through participation, dialogue, and collaboration.

Strengthening climate action led by local governments, businesses, civil society and helping the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Climate Chance is the only international organisation that aims to bring together all the non-state actors recognized by the UN ... to develop common priorities and proposals and to strengthen stakeholders dynamics through networking (thematic coalitions, summits, portal of climate action). The Climate Chance Association supports the central role of local climate action and the inseparable link between the climate agenda and the sustainable development goals.

ClimateCultures is an online space for creative minds to share responses to our ecological and climate predicaments. It’s a network of artists, curators and researchers working across many practices, venues and disciplines. It’s an approach to building creative conversations between and beyond different appreciations of what these predicaments mean, and of what they offer us as ways forward. It’s a beginning. It’s also a continuation of some encounters with the charity TippingPoint ... where ClimateCultures helped bring artists and scientists together for creative climate change events.

Earth Action Hub is a collaborative online community dedicated to inspiring and supporting local environmental action across the globe. We are a group of young people from around the world who are driven by the same vision of creating a sense of global citizenship to support a thriving planet. Our logo embodies what EAH stands for. We have chosen to focus on a positive handprint instead of the negative footprint that we are all used to hearing about. We want to empower and inspire people around the world to take action with their own hands in their own communities, to contribute to the collective change. The colours represent inclusivity and diversity, anyone can make a difference.

Earth Day 2021. As the world returns to normal, we cannot go back to business-as-usual. From April 20-22, join the world’s leaders for Earth Day 2021. Together, we can prevent the coming disasters of climate change and environmental destruction. Together, we can Restore Our Earth™. Come back on April 20 for the start of the event, and follow our platforms to join the discussion. The theme of Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our Earth™. 100s of Millions of Trees Planted. Educators in 149 Countries. $7 Billion Green School Grants. 2.7 Billion Acts of Green. 50 Million Citizen Science Data Points. 36 Million Cleanup Volunteers. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act. Countless Billions of Earth Day Participants Everywhere.

A holistic Climate Education is fundamental to the Friends For Future initiative. This is designed to encourage children and young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community at large. Friends For Future is an international team of Environmentalists and Climate change activists, with a diverse academic background and professional experience, connecting young people and kids to catalyse Climate action and sustainable living through peer-to-peer education. We are an all-inclusive team with unique equity of diversity in race, ethnicity and language, and has a balanced gender mix.

Geologize launched as a non-profit social media platform that tells fascinating stories and fun analogies that educate the public. ..., Geologize Ltd. is now a global leader in providing training to geoscientists who wish to communicate more effectively with their target audience, whether it be the general public, corporate or governmental organisations.

G.I.N.A - Geoscience Institute of New Age
The institute goal is to promote sustainable tourism development and heritage conservation specially through promoting geotourism, geoconservation, geoethic and geointerpretation. We also take projects related to geotourism and geopark studies and consultation. To achieve sustainable socio-economic developments and promoting geological heritage through local communities, we are willing to design new interpretation materials, innovative products and commercialize the local products as well as hosting several workshops, conferences and training courses. We feel, it is our duty to remind everyone the importance of the earth’s resources.

Global Ocean Literacy Research (OLR) Community
OLR community organizes a series of three workshops. The objectives of the workshops are to serve as a 'stock take' of ocean literacy research to date - what research has been done, by whom, where, outcomes - and to begin mapping this work onto an online crowdsourced platform.
The first workshop (July 7, 2021) is a formally recognized Satellite Activity of the Ocean Decade Laboratory 1: An Inspiring and Engaging Ocean.
The GoodPlanet Foundation was created and is chaired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, renowned photojournalist, with the aim of raising public awareness on environmental issues and environmental protection.

The mission of Groundswell News Journal is to be a beautiful, inspiring, uplifting publication, which educates and enlightens people about the climate crisis through scientific articles and stories by and about activists who are working to protect life on Earth and preserve natural resources, especially in Africa.
Our Motto: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!
Our Slogan: The way forward: Cycle back to basics
IAPG - The International Association for Promoting Geoethics
The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) is a multidisciplinary, scientific platform for widening the discussion and creating awareness about problems of Geoethics and Ethics applied to the Geosciences. It is legally recognized as a not-for-profit association, has more than 2358 members in 129 countries on 5 continents, and can count on a network of 31 national sections.

IEA - The Interdisciplinary Environmental Association
The IEA is an international nonprofit committed to academic discourse with practitioners, professors, and students in the expansive field of environmental science and studies. By using an interdisciplinary approach, the IEA creates a space to thoughtfully discuss critical environmental challenges with the engagement of diverse backgrounds and disciplines.

IOI Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean
The centre aim is to organize Training Courses in the LAC region with the support of the IOI Centre in Costa Rica. The Training Courses are itinerant in Latin America and the Caribbean Region, offered yearly, with a balanced content focusing in Ocean Governance, Ocean Sciences and GeoEthics.
The Training Course is planned to be offered each year in different countries of the Latin American region (that is: to be itinerant in the LAC region), with a mean duration of two or three weeks, and a full time dedication. Although each of the three core issues of Ocean Governance, Ocean Sciences and Geoethics are designed as stand-alone modules and can be presented separately (as they are in other courses), the IOI-LAC-TC integrates and interlinks these issues within a common learning process in order to show how governance is linked with geoethics and underpinned by the scientific knowledge of the oceans. The motto of the TC is: “You cannot govern the oceans without ethics and science”

The Maritime Forum aims to improve communication amongst EU maritime policy stakeholders. It allows parties interested in the EU maritime policy to communicate on a common platform. They can publish events, documents and follow developments in their areas of interest. Information can be shared amongst a closed community or published openly.

Nausicaá Centre National de la Mer is a public aquarium located in Boulogne-sur-Mer in northern France. It is the largest public aquarium of Europe. Nausicaá is described as a centre of scientific and technical discovery of the marine environment, focusing primarily on the relationship between man and the sea.

The Ocean Action Hub is an open, interactive website providing information and promoting action globally to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Life below Water before 2030. The Hub was initiated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Governments of Sweden and Fiji, to facilitate multistakeholder engagement as part of the Ocean Conference process.

Best practices are created by the community for the community. The Ocean Best Practices System under the auspices of the IOC will support the end-to-end best practices value chain. The oceans play a key role in global issues such as sustainability. As we move toward basin-scale ocean-observing, efficient and consistent monitoring and predicting of the planet’s ocean is essential. These need common methods for interoperability and reproducibility.

The One Planet blog is an effort to bring light on the issues of environmental destruction, sustainability and climate change in the context of developing countries. The idea is ... to give solutions and to share what we as individuals can do. The blog is for everyone who wants to learn, and do their bit to save this ‘One Planet’ we call our home!

Plastic Pollution Coalition is a growing global alliance of more than 1,200 organizations, businesses, and thought leaders in 75 countries working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impact on humans, animals, waterways, the ocean, and the environment.

Ocean Collage (La Fresque Océane) is a series of interactive, hands-on workshops that help participants to understand the complexities of the ocean and to realise that we ALL can act to preserve it. Participants collaborate to co-build a systemic vision of the ocean by using a set of 100 cards to dive into six areas: the ecosystem services of the ocean, marine biodiversity, fishing, pollution, maritime industries and climate change. Participants are encouraged to make decisions on individual and collective actions, with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean
The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) was founded in 1999 by directors of oceanographic institutions around the world as a forum to promote and advance the observation of the global ocean. POGO is a UK-registered charity with member institutions from around the world, and works closely with other international and regional programmes and organisations.

Regenpreneur provides engaging and informative online courses to support you in creating regenerative changes in your life, business and foodscapes to create healthy and resilient outcomes.

As individuals are an essential ingredient of democracy, I think that democratic international organization should be supranational, or move towards more advanced forms of supranationality. But how individuals can interact on a global stage, legitimize global fora, hold them accountable?

Sustain - Climate Change, Coronavirus and Sustainability
Sustain is a blog by Asitha Jayawardena, a communicator in sustainability and research.
The blog contains over 100 articles.

United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development was born out of the recognition that much more needs to be done to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and create improved conditions for the sustainable development of the ocean, seas and coasts.
The Decade of Ocean Science offers a framework to strengthen connections and weave partnerships between all communities working to study, conserve and sustainably use the ocean and its resources.
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO has been tasked by the UN General Assembly to work with all interested stakeholders to design a Decade of ocean science that will help us to deliver the ocean we need for the future we want.

YCL - Youth Climate Leaders
YCL was created to tackle the two main threats against Youth's future: high systemic unemployment and the climate crisis. YCL supports youth to find jobs and opportunities aligned with their purpose, and organizations to hire young talents who are willing to dedicate their lives to finding solutions to the climate crisis.

(E) Related organizations
Some of these organizations may provide training in an area related to the school, for example, on climate change or caring for the oceans or the climate-ocean nexus. If you would like to exchange links, please be in touch with us, here: oceans.climate at gmail dot com
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