Your team of facilitators
Unfortunately, the reduced size and length of the session means that not all facilitators will take part in a given edition of the School.
Jean-Eric Aubert, President of the Université Internationale la Mer (Ocean Open University). He is also the president of the Société française de prospective (French Foresight Society).
Jean-Eric has had a career as an international civil servant and consultant and is an expert in national innovation policies and development strategies. Working for the OECD, the Word Bank, UN Agencies and other multilateral bodies, he has advised governments in more than 40 countries at a variety of development levels. He is particularly interested in peoples' mindsets and cultures, having encapsulated his experience in a book, Cultures et Systèmes d'Innovation (Presses des Mines, Paris, 2017). He holds postgraduate diplomas in Economics and in Applied Mathematics from Paris universities. Profile.
Nicolas Becu, PhD; LIttoral, ENvironment and Societies (LIENSs), a joint research unit under the CNRS and La Rochelle University authorities.
Nicolas is a specialist in participatory simulation. He works at the interface of several scientific fields within environmental, geographical and social sciences, and is particularly interested in sustainable development of the littoral zone. He has published over 30 articles and book chapters in international journals and books, among which "Participatory simulation to foster social learning on coastal flooding prevention" in the Environmental Modelling and Software Journal, "Paving the way to coastal adaptation pathways: an interdisciplinary and multi-located approach" in the Environmental Science and Policy Journal and "Experiential learning based on the NewDistrict asymmetric simulation game: results of a dozen gameplay sessions" presented at the International Simulation and Gaming Association conference. He has run many workshops in France, Indonesia and Thailand. Member of the ComMod network. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7463-2719 Profile.
Estelle Bellanger, MA; Director, Méditerranée 2000; Instructor, Masters programme in Law, Risk & Sustainable Development, Université Côte ed'Azur, France.
Méditerranée 2000 is a 'green team' fighting for a peaceful ecological transition! It is an association whose mission it is to promote environmental protection, awareness of sustainable development and environmental education, and to support professionals (communities, companies) in their implementation of eco-responsible action plans, specialized training and public relations. Profile.
Pierre Bommel, PhD; GREEN (Gestion des ressources renouvelables et environnement) Research unit, The French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions (CIRAD).
Pierre specializes in participatory and agent-based modelling (ABM) and is one of the developers of the Cormas platform, dedicated to ABM for renewable resources. He is one of the directors of the annual two-week Multi-platform International Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation for Renewable Resources Management. He has run training courses in Germany, South Africa, Brasil, Egypt, the Netherlands and France. Member of the ComMod network. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8024-0754 Profile.
David Crookall, PhD, FRSA; Graduate School of Economics and Management (ELMI), Université Côte d’Azur, France
David (retired) has spent his whole career working with a wide variety of simulation/gaming methodologies (both manual and computerised), and specialises in debriefing techniques. He has held positions in prestigious universities, such as PenState (USA), National University of Singapore and the Université de Technologie de Compiègne. While in the USA, he received a large grant from the Federal Government to run a series of world-wide, internet-assisted, participatory simulations on ocean resources. He has published several books and many articles in peer-reviewed journals, and was for many years the Editor in Chief of the world’s foremost peer-reviewed journal in the area: Simulation & Gaming (Sage Publications). He is currently Lead Guest Editor for a special issue of a peer-reviewed SpringerNature journal on Learning Sustainability. He has run training courses and workshops in many countries including: Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, USA. He has given presentations and keynotes at many conferences, including the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA). He was recently given Honorary Membership of ISAGA. Member of the ComMod network. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8024-0754 Profile.
Fabienne Goux-Baudiment, PhD; Founding President and CEO of the SAS proGective, a Center for Study, Research and Consultancy in foresight.
Fabienne's main activity involves supporting public and private decision makers in their strategic, futures-oriented reflection and action, in France and abroad. Fabienne earned a Masters in Political Science (France) and a PhD in Human and Social Foresight (Social Sciences, Roma, Italy). She is a futurist, and has been the founding head of the consulting firm proGective in France (Paris) since 1994. The focus of proGective is training in futures studies; it meets its clients' needs (either central or local governments, businesses, NGOs) by developing innovative and foresight-oriented solutions. She is former president of the World Futures Studies Federation (2005-2009), and is a founding member of the French Society for Foresight which she chaired from 2013 to 2016. Author and referee of several international Journals, Fabienne is also a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation. She is a presenter for top level management as well as large audiences, explaining emergent concepts and futures-oriented worldviews, such as the Great Transition, the VUCA world, the Alien Gen, the socio-economy X.0, the autonomous development of Africa, etc. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3746-6969 Profile.
Alice Vitoux, MSc Eng; Founder & Director of Ocean Collage (La Fresque Océane).
Alice trained as a telecommunications engineer and worked in production for one of the top TV broadcasters in France. She was a facilitator and trainer for the Climate Collage (La Fresque du Climat) movement in France, and also a member of the office of the Paris branch of the Surfrider Foundation Europe. In 2019, Alice designed and created the Ocean Collage (La Fresque Océane), a hands-on, participatory exercise that takes participants on a voyage to co-build a conceptual and systematic chart of the complexities of the oceans, the climate and their relationships. Each session of the Climate Collage may have several goals, such as reconnecting each citizen to the Ocean, raising awareness about the threats from human activity, highlighting the many services it provides us and helping us to make informed decisions about taking action to preserve it! Alice is is passionate about and totally committed to the environmental cause - in particular the protection of the oceans. She has published a book, titled Learn & Kiff, et si on voyageait autrement (2018, ABM), https://learnandkiff.com/; to buy https://www.amazon.fr/Learn-Kiff-si-voyageait-autrement/dp/2954249773/. Profile.
Ambassadors & assistants
The following people help promote the IOCS and also work behind the scenes to help you make the most of the School. They have all participated in at least one session of the School, and can therefore tell you about it from the point of view of a participant. If you wish to be in touch with one of them, please use this email address: ambassadors.iocs at gmail dot etc
Farhad Bolouri, MSc Envir Eng; Environmental Engineering, Tabriz University, Iran
Farhad has a master’s in Environmental Engineering from Tabriz University, Iran, and was ranked first in his field. He has a bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Iran. He has also obtained a number of certificates, in topics such as such as systems thinking, clean air and environmental law, and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. He is a researcher in the Institute of the Environment at the University of Tabriz. He has conducted research on sustainability and environmental issues and worked on green management related. The research includes green management, university sustainability, decision making and UI Green Metric. He has worked with a number of climate and sustainability projects, such as En-ROADs and Youth Power, and he is an Ambassador for climate change for Climate Interactive. He wishes to pursue his studies by doing a PhD in sustainable development. He hopes that this will change his destiny and make his dream of being at the United Nations possible. Profile.
Linda Khodja-Grebici; Environmental Sciences (Ecology), Université de Lorraine, Metz, France
Linda is a humanitarian, social and human rights activist, studying Environmental Sciences (Ecology) at the Université de Lorraine in Metz. She volunteers for several organisations, including: the GoodPlanet Foundation in Paris, an NGO founded by Yann Arthus-Bertrand in 2005; the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which focuses on ecological and humanitarian missions, such as rural development, the protection of nature and giving assistance to refugee women; the International Uyghurs Alliance creating an official support group in Metz, to protect their lives, culture and legacy; the Secours Populaire Français, a humanitarian organisation providing shelter for people facing poverty, financial insecurity and relief during disasters. She loves art and photography, and has practised karate for 17 years. Profile.
Fernanda Matsuoka, MBA; Youth Climate Leaders (YCL), France & Brazil
Fernanda is originally from Brazil and now is based in the French Riviera. Her training is in business, hospitality and tourism. After travelling the world as part of her job, she saw with her own eyes the development of the climate crisis and of environmental degradation. This led her to make a complete change of career and to co-found Youth Climate Leaders (YCL), a social organisation and a network that offers unique pathways to equip young people with the tools needed to engage in the climate economy. She is also an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador and a climate literacy enthusiast. When she is not advocating for climate action, she is either writing texts in Medium, cooking, hiking in nature or growing her own food on her terrace. Profile.
Pariphat Promduangsri; Méditerranée 2000, Cannes, France & Geography, Université Côte d'azur, France.
Pariphat is engaged in caring for the environment. She left Thailand in 2014 and now lives in France. She is enrolled in Geography and land-planning in the University Côte d’Azur, and works with Mediterranean 2000, an environmental education organization. She has presented at international conferences (e.g., the EGU and ISAGA), attended summer courses on agent-based modelling (ABM) and CompanionModeling (ComMod), and completed several MOOCs. She has also published articles (e.g., in the EGU Blog). She enjoys playing the piano and going to classical concerts. She loves the mountains and has walked the Tour du Mont Blanc. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8587-3454 Profile.
Pimnutcha Promduangsri; Geography, Université Côte d'azur, France.
Pimnutcha is engaged in environmental and ecological activities. She is enrolled in geography and land-planning at the Université Côte d’Azur. She worked with Méditerranée 2000, an educational and environmental association in Cannes, France. She has completed several online courses (MOOCs), attended a summer course on agent-based modeling (ABM) and CompanionModeling (ComMod) on natural resource management with CIRAD, and worked with researchers studying the effects of climate change on flora and fauna in the Alps. She has an article published in the blog of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and has presented several international conferences - geosciences (EGU), simulations (ISAGA), etc. She was born in Thailand; she loves the mountains and has walked the Tour du Mont Blanc. Her favourite pastimes include playing the violin, travel and hiking. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1721-1619 Profile.