Geoscience Communication

Climate &/or ocean education (literacy) at EGU2023
Please consider contributing to the #climate / #ocean #education and #geoethics sessions at the next EGU conference, in April 2023. Please also forward to colleagues.
Title: Climate and ocean education: Geoethics, emergency, fossil fuels, war and more
The climate / ocean education session at the EGU brings together a wonderful group of warm hearts and creative minds from around the world, to present their ideas, practices and theories about helping people to better understand the changing climate and/or ocean. You do not need to be an expert, you do not need to have a PhD, you do not even need to have a diploma in geoscience or geography. All you need is enthusiasm, a desire to help people learn and an activity or experience or idea that you would like to share. You may talk about the climate or the ocean separately without the other, or about both together.
You may contribute an oral presentation (in person or virtually) or a poster. Any formal or informal work or activity that you are doing to help people learn about climate change (CC) and/or the ocean will be of interest.
Here are some examples: a innovative lessons, a curriculum (e.g., making CC or the ocean a central or compulsory element of a school or university curriculum), an advocacy action, an association, an expedition, research into CC or ocean education effectiveness, a survey of people’s views on CC education, participatory methods, debriefing, a piece of software or a game that helps people understand CC, NGO work, role-plays, personal action, community initiative, such as activism, a website, class research project, a change in national or local CC policy, a court case, making a movie, citizen science, communication, a school garden, geoparks, teamwork, food & cooking, publication, project work, giving talks, art, exchange programmes, running workshops. Indeed, any initiative that deepens people’s understanding of the ocean and/or of climate change will be welcomed.
All aspects of climate change and/or ocean are welcomed, such as causes and consequences, sustainability, policy, wealth gap and poverty, water security, floods, drought, food security & hunger, teacher development, denialism, corruption, greenwashing, fossil fuels, war, soil, biodiversity, natural resources, limits to growth, melting cryosphere, sea-level rise, water towers (mountains), alternative energies, gender issues, energy transition, climate literacy, water cycles, carbon cycle, reinforcing feedback loops, tipping points, planetary boundaries, migration & refugees, loss & damage, environmental law, agriculture, forest, finance, air & water pollution, energy, building, adaptation, mitigation, resilience, soil, … .
For a more colourful webpage, see https://climateocean.ju.mp/
Please see the session abstract here: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/44943
Previous sessions, in previous years, will give you an idea of the diversity of topics and presenters:
Session conveners (2023):
David Crookall: Université Côte d'Azur & Ocean Open University, France, https://oceansclimate.wixsite.com/oceansclimate.
Giuseppe Di Capua: Geologist at the Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy; Co-founder of International Association for Promoting Geoethics, http://www.geoethics.org.
Svitlana Krakovska: Head of Applied Climatology Laboratory, Senior Scientist at Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukraine. For more about Svitlana, read this article in Nature Human Behaviour, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-022-01398-4.
Bärbel Winkler: System Analyst at Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG; Curator at Skeptical Science, https://skepticalscience.com/.
Dean Page: Postgraduate Researcher in Marine Social-Ecological Systems, University of Hull, England; Coordinator for the Global Sustainable Futures Network. LI https://www.linkedin.com/in/deanpage1993/.
You may also be interested in submitting an abstract in this excellent session on
Geoethics: Geoscience Implications for Professional Communities and Society: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/44934
Deadline for submissions is 10 Jan 2023, 13h00 CET. For more about:
the EGU, visit https://www.egu.eu/.
the 2023 conference, visit: https://egu23.eu/.
Info on how to submit is here: https://egu23.eu/programme/how_to_submit.html
The types of presentation are detailed here: https://egu23.eu/about/meeting_format.html
We have had some younger people telling us "we are too young" or "we do not have any experience". If you feel this way, then please look at the two blog posts below, by two high school pupils. They should give you courage to put finger to keyboard and send in an abstract. Students benefit from greatly reduced rates.
If you wish to discuss your ideas before submitting, please feel free to contact David crookall.consulting at gmail dot com, and include “EGU CCedu” in the subject line.
We are also preparing a special issue the journal Geoscience Communication, https://www.geoscience-communication.net/, in conjunction with EGU2023 session EOS2.3. To be kept informed, please fill out this short form.
Please forward this to colleagues.